Hello There!

I am Karan Asthana and I am on a mission to help people all around the world start or grow their heart centric coaching, consulting, and service-based business in next 30 days

I’m Looking for a few coaches & Experts 

I'm developing a new process & I need a favor…

I’m Looking for a few coaches & Experts who can Test this process, so I can create successful case studies before I officially launch it in 2024.

I’ve called this process ‘Facebook Launchpad’ because that's our major focus here.

 & Together We're going to solve the 3 biggest marketing problems:

I’ll personally work with you 1:1 for next 1 month (or less)

And Together We're going to solve the 3 biggest marketing problems:

  • Lack of Business System
  • Client Attraction & Content Creation
  • A Simple Sales Call training To Close Your High Ticket Coaching Clients Via Call

Here is exactly What we’ll work on:

  • I will share How to grow your audience organically here on FB & connect with 30-50  ideal prospects daily - which includes where to find right people, how to screen their profiles, and more.
  • Client Attraction & Content Creation
  • A Simple Sales Call training To Close Your High Ticket Coaching Clients Via Call

What Makes One To Be A Heart-Centered Coach?

You are a heart centered coach if...
  • If you're driven by a higher calling to do your humanitarian part.
  • You have one or more of these traits: Creative, Intuitive, Empathic
  • You've high Emotional Intelligence.
  • You understand that having the financial freedom is an essential step to work towards your higher goals.
  • You understand that making money is not the end goal but its the means to achieve your end(or higher goal)

As a beta tester - You will get

  • Weekly 1:1 Zoom Calls, call recording & Weekly/daily accountability from me.
  •  My text support via Messenger & WhatsApp for any questions you may have.

  • - Value-packed frameworks and resources.

You may apply if...

Your Coaching Business is in the following niches:
  • Life Coaches(Any Sub niche)
  • Yoga/Meditation or any similar niche
  • Dating Coaches, Relationship Coaches, Marriage Coaches
  • Any Sort of Productivity or breaking the addiction of the bad habit coaching
  • RTT/EFT/NLP etc
  • Naturopathy/Ayurveda 
  • And So on...
Let's Take Your HEART-CENTRIC BUsiness To The Next Step!
Click on the button "Book Your call" to apply for my new program

Here's What My Previous Students Say About Me

Here's a review from my various students who've worked with me in the past through coaching or through any of my digital product :

A Slight Self Doubt if things would work for me would have prevented me to invest the money….

It was a great learning experience for Karan in his 12-week program.

He gives his 110% in his session by diving deep and making the concepts simple to understand.

Initially, The self doubt on if things will would work for me have prevented me to invest into The Karan’s coaching program
He’ll go a mile ahead if your problem beyond the scope of the program simply because He really wants YOU to Succeed! 

always had this feeling that I want more of his coaching.

  ROYCE JONES//  Anxiety Recovery Coach For Introverted Adults

Karan is a brilliant & knowledgeable coach...

Karan is a brilliant & knowledgeable coach. He is dedicated to what he does & he keeps on giving more & more to his clients

SONIA MARIA HORN //  Rapid Transformation Therapy Expert

From Having No Idea To Making 6 Months Figures in Month

Avi pardesi - men's grooming & dating coach

And A Few More ...

Having a 1.5-hour Coaching Session with Karan was like a Light Bulb Moment For me On What I Was Missing Out On.

Crystal Castle is a mindfulness & meditation instructor.

She's been transforming the lives of people for the last 14 years

And a person who has a firm stand against the annoying salesperson & marketers on Facebook

Meet Candace Grant, She's working her way up to transition from a Massage Therapist To become a full-time coach.

She specializes in Personal Boundaries, Self Acceptance.
Basically, whatever leads her clients to live a fulfilling & happy life.


It’s a Beta offer Which means the Investment is affordable. You can easily recover your entire investment with just 1 client or less - No brainer right?

100 % support

Let's Take Your Heart Centric Business To The Next Step

Click The Button Below To Book A Time Slot On My Calendar To Discuss & See How Can I help You!

See You on the other side.